Watch this 5-minute mini-documentary and feel the power of SMGI®
The SMGI® course is elegantly simple, yet profoundly powerful. You will experience the impact of the work as it works on you - and ultimately on your clients. Gina Vance will guide you step-by-step, showing you how to move through carefully-designed healing protocols with ease. These guided journeys will help you take your clients into deep places of insight, healing and transformation.
Richly Rewarding
The SMGI® course is designed to help healers of all kinds experience the growth they so well deserve. While you’re learning her healing techniques, Gina will enhance your potential for success by putting you on her own marketing roadmap. Once you’re creating phenomenal results for your clients, they come back to see you. They’re delighted, happy. They send friends and family to you. And before you know it, your schedule is filled to overflowing. That’s how SMGI® works!
Easily Learned
The training program itself combines live sessions with extensive video and written instruction. As Gina’s methods become clear, you’ll begin practicing with your classmates. The course work will move you along almost effortlessly, from basic to very advanced techniques drawn from meditation, guided imagery, hypnotherapy, breath work, writing, drawing, coaching and indigenous healing modalities. Gina has a deft touch, holding the work lightly and making it easy to grasp.
Deeply Insightful
The deepest learning happens as you experience the techniques working on you. The course includes trades - or practice sessions - in which you guide each other in response to somatic cues. You’ll be taking and leading journeys through the imagination, finding the guidance that is there to be discovered in the deep psyche. And the work hardly feels like work. It’s easy, often fun, always enlivening. Healing arises from deep levels of connection, sharing and support in a safe community.
"SMGI®, or Somatic Mindful Guided Imagery®, is a process that produces profound effects. This course teaches one to be a guide and it is rich with information and the Zoom classes are very engaging. Not only did I learn to be a confident guide, but also got so much more out of it. I highly recommend the class."
"After working through my personal trauma healing with Gina Vance, what a gift I have been given in learning how to serve others who seek a unique and effective path to healing. Thank you Gina for sharing this amazing program with us and for training us to Guide others the way you have Guided us."
"When I signed up for the SMGI® training course I thought it would be like any other class. I was wrong. There was no wasted time or lessons in this course, yet it was gentle and life-paced learning. The most beneficial part to me was the hands on practice. I loved it. By the second month of the course people were noticing a happy, more confident change in me. Indeed, as I was learning to help others I was getting helped myself. I highly recommend this course to anyone who wants to make a difference in other's lives."
"I’ve done so many modalities to release trauma locked in my body. SMGI® has changed the trajectory of my life and career. In my work with SMGI® there have been so many gifts and pleasures of connection and greater intimacy of knowing who you are on a soul level, and what’s possible for you. For those who want a new way to heal and experience more ease, joy and expansiveness, I highly recommend the SMGI® training"
"This course is filled with a treasure trove of insight, information and clear guidelines. The methods and techniques are conveyed easily and concisely."
"I have spent years studying healing modalities like Past Life Regression, hypnosis and shamanic practices. I believe that SMGI® is the best modality for its effectiveness in getting to the heart of the matter in a quicker and more efficient manner. I would recommend SMGI® sessions to anyone wanting to improve themselves. It is especially transformational for someone who has experienced any form of trauma. Also for anyone who is a healer, the SMGI® course is a must."
"Gina Vance is a brilliant teacher of her brilliant program of SMGI®. Much like her theory of how simple journey work can be, so is the organization of the program. Each week flowed, combining a group meeting, a video lecture, along with a practicum and various suggested readings. A cohesive and comprehensive program for all types of learners and healers. I highly recommend finding out more about SMGI®."
"This work has released my creativity and imagination. I plunged into the SMGI work as a true beginner. Over the six months of training, I learned how to release and access my creativity – and playfulness – like never before. I also developed more trust in my own inner voice and sense of intuition. Truly a brave new world opened up for me through this work."
"This training has given me an amazing foundation to help shift my career into helping people subconsciously. I’ve been given and shown a tool that can better humanity. There’s a lot of somatic work available now, but this, this work is cutting-edge."
"What can I say about this class, except sign up for it the next time it's available! I'm so glad I did! This training is a wonderful opportunity for those who truly want to better their lives and the lives of others. I've known Gina Vance for several years and I still continue to be amazed by her. She is an extremely gifted mind, body, spirit guide/coach. She has developed this comprehensive course which is perfectly suited for both experienced healers and practitioners, as well as for those from other walks of life. If you have the desire to help others tap into their inner resources, so they can gently heal from past trauma and feel happier within themselves, then take this class! You may be surprised by all that can be accomplished through SMGI®."
These mind-body methods will easily open up new possibilities for your healing work.
These mind-body skills work as well for professionals as for lay persons. Interns won't want to miss the opportunity to learn an intervention that can be used with any population. Experts will benefit from an evidence-based way to empower their work. Education savvy trauma survivors will get practical applications of popular protocols and theories.
This course is beneficial to adults working with others in a professional capacity, including: Educators, Therapists, Counselors, Psychologists, Social Workers, Marriage and Family Counselors, Mental Health and Pastoral Counselors, Addiction Counselors, Physicians and Physician Assistants, Nurses and Nurse Practitioners, and Complementary, Integrative and Alternative Health Practitioners, Chiropractors, Acupuncturists as well as Bodyworkers, Intuitives, Group Facilitators, Hypnotherapists, Coaches, Clinicians, Medicine Journeys Guides and Sitters, and Agents of Change here to transform the world for the better, and help others do the same.
Not any of those? You are welcome to take this course if you have a heart for service and want to learn self-healing methods that will also work for supporting others.
ONE: Deep personal work, step by step. TWO: Delivering your work to others, step by step. THREE: Building your business, delivery structure, and clientele / customer base, step by step.
I think you’ll be surprised how enjoyable – even joyful – it is to do this work on yourself; with yourself. The coursework will offer you plenty of practice sessions that will take you through Gina's simple, yet powerful, protocols. You’ll soon be practicing on yourself. It will even be easy to find the time. You know those wide-awake wake-ups that can interrupt your sleep? This is one great time to put the SMGI® work to work, bringing in an ally or comforting presence to help you resolve a ticklish situation or even to lay some past trauma to rest.
Once you have your SMGI® certificate, you’ll be fully prepared to bring this work to your healing practice. You can weave it into almost any existing modality. Of course the healing work you’re doing now is having positive effects. Otherwise you wouldn’t be doing it, right? You’re a healer, after all. We’d like to see you take your work to another level entirely. Beyond anything you’ve ever imagined. The Grand Clamoring has arrived and people are seeking out this kind of work like never before. There’s plenty of work looking for you.
Our desire is to train you up, so you can bring the work to your sphere of influence - your patients, clients, students and friends – people who will be feeling more free and alive as a result of your work. People who's families and friends remark on the change they've noticed and want some too. Your practice can be as full as you'd like.The more of us out there offering this work, the better for each of us and the world. And on and on it goes as this transformative work heals enough suffering to cause a shift in the global consciousness.
This course will engage you in helpful interactions with a rich variety of helping professionals, during our live classes and in-between our weekly meetings. You’ll also work in breakout sessions with your classmates, to practice step by step in digestible increments.
You'll be able to move yourself and those you serve beyond current limits. You'll be educated in trauma-informed, evidence-based mind-body tools, rooted in ancient practices, that empower radical transformation in gentle ways.
After a career in engineering, excruciating pain put me on a path of research and training that introduced me to the mind-body methods that helped me to heal the post-traumatic stress at the root of my physical pain.
I've trained with Medical Doctors, with Shamans, and many healers; some grounded in scientific research, others wildly instinctual.
I'm a graduate of the Academy for Guided Imagery and the Center for Mind-Body Medicine, I'm a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Inner Guidance Life Coach, and Mind-Body Skills Advanced Professional.
I created SMGI®, Somatic Mindful Guided Imagery®, out of all these protocols, practices, and modalities along with many of my own inspired discoveries. This work resolves root causes and resolves lifelong patterns through mind-body exploration, discovery and healing.
I've been successfully self-employed for more than 30 years, and as the founder and director of a sumptuous holistic integrative wellness center, I brought my broad holistic and integrative therapeutic knowledge to my community, while supporting high-level wellness professionals in growing profitable businesses under my mentorship.
Learn some of the simplest, most powerful and effective evidence-based, ancient wisdom mind-body tools to use in your personal and professional work.
MODULE ZERO: Preparing to Begin the Work; Business: Agreements & Questionnaires
MODULE ONE: Overarching Intention and Undergirding Exercises
MODULE TWO: Laying the Foundation in Your First Client Session; Business: New Website
MODULE THREE: Getting Resourced From Within; Business: Marketing
MODULE FOUR: Integrating Fragments & Retrieving Soul Parts; Business: Your WHY
MODULE FIVE: Seeding Your Subconscious & Manifesting; Business: Your WHO
MODULE SIX: Working with Inner Allies; Business: Your WHAT
MODULE SEVEN: Parts Work & Sub-personalities; Business: Your HOW
MODULE EIGHT: Essential Steps Revisited; Business: Your RESULTS
MODULE NINE: Advanced Clutter Clearing with modern and indigenous ways; Business: SEO
MODULE TEN: Fight, Flight, Freeze Trauma Responses of the 9; Business: Your STORY
MODULE ELEVEN: 3 Additional Trauma Responses of the 9; Business: Your STYLE
MODULE TWELVE: 3 More Trauma Responses of the 9; Business: Your DESIRE
MODULE THIRTEEN: Your Tribe; Facilitating groups on Zoom; Business: Your INTENT
MODULE FOURTEEN: Your Compass; Complementary Protocols; Business: Your TRIBE
MODULE FIFTEEN: Working with the Shadow; Business: What you help your people DO
MODULE SIXTEEN: Holding Space; Business: How you help your people FEEL, DO, & BE
MODULE SEVENTEEN: Assessment for Certification; Business: Your QUALIFICATIONS & CTA
MODULE EIGHTEEN: Ceremony of Completion: SMGI® Guide - SMGI® certificate; Business: REPORT the good news of your certification to the waiting world!
Learn simple, easy-to-use and very effective nervous system settling, strengthening and stabilizing techniques, as well as how to resolve the cause of the destabilizing influences coming from within.
This mentor-training is available once a year, so if your soul is nudging you, say yes to your chance to learn my secrets from the comfort of your own home!
Beyond fight, flight and freeze, there are six additional trauma response programs that are important to understand to more easily heal. We'll review what they are and how to work with them.
This course is like a "business in a box". Through your magical computer device you can join us to create a tremendous increase in the health and profitability of your healing business.
"Gina Vance is one of the top mind/body practitioners in the San Francisco Bay Area and known for her incredibly transformative, effective work with deep healing, trauma and self-discovery. Join her for a unique, richly rewarding voyage into your inner-self!"
"Gina's Mind Body Skills seminar is one of the most profound and beneficial experiences that I've had as a professional and as an individual. The techniques that she teaches are simple, highly effective, and applicable for personal and professional use. Working with Gina has allowed me to add a whole new skill set to my professional repertoire while increasing my ability to address and resolve personal challenges. She is a true master."
"Gina’s work has brought new depths to my professional and personal life. Through this work I have been able to connect with an inner awareness and spirituality that previously was inaccessible. Insight and direction in all aspects of my life continue long after the classes."
"Great tools to use with self and others. Gina has a great style and is very skilled in her craft."
"This work changed my life. I feel lighter and more at peace and I have more love in my heart, which I didn't know if that was really possible after a severe loss. The ease of it all - great strides can be made with some really simple techniques - that are inside of our own body - that we're not necessarily aware of. It's something that you take with you that doesn't go away. And it works for everybody, which is pretty beautiful."
"Gina has created something that has taken on its own life and is bringing a great deal of relief to so many people - in a way that so many things cannot and do not. And I find that to be quite a miracle."
Live portion starts on March 17, 2023, ends September 15, 2023
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This is the best time ever to join my course.
Harnessing the power of the subconscious and superconscious, with mind-body tools to relieve stress, pain and anxiety; change unwanted habits, and feel peaceful, confident and empowered.
Somatic engagement that gets you resourced enough to manage your discomfort while growing your strength and stability to be able to not only shift into comfort, but resolve the source origin of the somatic signals, or body-centered sensations. Ground, strengthen and stabilize.
Mindful practices that don’t by-pass what is, but meet you where you are with what’s happening in the moment, in a way that you can gently, respectfully shift your experience into stable strength and competence, until you can resolve the root cause origin of uncomfortable and destabilizing activations in your mind-body. Gently release blockages and toxicities.
Guided practices that connect you to your resources of strength, support and love, empowering courage to journey inwards to clear inner clutter sabotaging your goals, and integrate fragmented aspects of the psyche that have needed to split off, or be hidden away, in order to keep you (and those aspects) safe in threatening circumstances. Connect, radiate and harmonize.
Imagery protocols that activate the power of the individual imagination to elicit one's own internal, organic lexicon of images, symbols, sensations, awareness, and felt sense, that are most powerful and effective, in safe and appropriate ways for the individual journeyer. Calm trauma activations on the way to healing them.
SMGI® is a root-cause resolving method of mind-body exploration, discovery and healing that is eclectic, holistic, humanistic and non-dogmatic, incorporating skills from many related disciplines including hypnosis, NLP, Jungian psychology, psychosynthesis, self-actualization and ego-state psychology, collaborative coaching, meditation, neurobiochemistry, neurophysiology, shamanism and inner child and parts work.
It’s a uniquely transformative blend of trauma-informed mind-body methods to relieve stress, pain and anxiety, change unwanted habits, and empower freedom, ease, confidence and joy.
This training is delivered online via Zoom. The live weekly sessions will be recorded for later viewing and reviewing.